Thursday, October 30, 2014

Walking in San Diego, CA: Four Reasons San Diego Pronto Plumbers Believes in the Benefits of Stepping Out

Walking is great for your health, and walking on your own home turf is even healthier. At San Diego Pronto Plumbers in San Diego, CA, we believe there are many benefits to taking steps - yes, pun intended - that lead to social connections, neighborhood safety, and a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.    

Here are four main benefits:

First, walking the streets of your community will keep you fit. Averaging two miles a week results in a body weight of six to ten pounds less than a resident who doesn’t walk, according to health studies. Walking is a great way to exercise regardless of your age. It can help prevent or reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, it counters the rising incidence of obesity, and lengthens the average person’s lifespan.

Second,  you won’t just be helping yourself, you’ll also be helping the environment. Using your feet as transportation reduces another kind of footprint - your carbon footprint. You aren’t burning fossil fuels when you’re walking, or wasting money on automobile expenses. You’ll be saving all sorts of “green.” After all, traveling on foot instead of by car means steps taken toward a reduction in both pollution and personal costs.

Third, you’ll also be helping to keep your neighborhood safe. Studies show that crime takes a dive when people are out walking, watching the neighborhood, and supporting local businesses.    Keeping an eye out means keeping your community safe from crimes of opportunity.

Fourth, you’ll make connections with other residents and local business owners. When you’re walking, chances greatly increase for casual conversations with the neighbors, or getting to know local shopkeepers. That support makes neighborhoods thrive. Locally run businesses succeed in communities where people walk to shops and restaurants, where neighbors know each other. Instead of driving to a big box store in another area, make a point to stroll a few blocks to the local hardware store or eatery.

So start stepping out! Walk by yourself, or form a group of neighbors or friends.  No matter how you walk,  only 30 minutes a day, five days a week can add an average  year and a half to your life.

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